5" OLED Touchscreen Monitor, 380 cd/m² Brightness, 1280 x 720 Resolution
Transvideo StarliteHD+ ARRI Monitor only - 5 inch OLED 3G/HD/SD - SDI Monitor-Recorder Touch-screen intuitive interface With ARRI camera interface (p/n 917TS0178). Inspired by the StarliteHD Core Technologies
With its new hardware, the StarliteHD+ has all StarliteHD V2 functionalities and much more. It provides an increased picture resolution, low latency, and an improved Peaking enhancing its many capabilities further and making it also an excellent choice for different oriented jobs such us focus pulling. The StarliteHD+ now accepts SDI 3G Level A and Level B.
Intuitive Interface
A new concept of human interface uses the power of the touch screen panel and rids the user of incomprehensible and endless tiered menus.
Built-in Tools
Built-in tools include a high-resolution waveform monitor, a precise vectorscope and an histogram of the luminance, while an embedded recorder delivers dailies in H.264 on to SD cards. You can take some snapshots and generate pdf reports including camera and lenses metadatas (ARRI and SONY cameras carying metadatas through HD-SDI only).
Screen Size: 5 Inch
Video Resolution: HD 1080
Resolution: 1280 x 720
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Panel Type: AMOLED
Inputs: 3G-SDI - HD-SDI
Outputs: 3G-SDI - HD-SDI
Monitor Location: Field
In the Box
1x Transvideo StarliteHD+ ARRI - Monitor only (917TS0178)