Easyrig EASY-VC5S2 - EASYRIG 5 Vario Cinema Strong - payload 14-25 kg
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"EASYRIG 5 Vario Cinema Strong f. 14-25 kg load" EASYRIG 5 Vario STRONG, camera carrying system with cine vest (standard size) variably adjustable for load between 14 + 25 kg, with standard arm, in bag with instructions ---- -
Vario 5 models are variably adjustable for cameras with a load of 5-17 kg.
Also available with a gimbal vest and longer extension arms: A - 130 mm longer extension arm: for cameras that are worn in front of the body: either because the shoulder rest is behind the camera or the camera is also used with the gimbal system or Flowcine Serene . B - 230 mm longer boom: For cameras with gimbal systems that have to be carried far in front of the body due to their length.
NOT usable with Flowcine Serene!
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