The xPEG is a hook that you mount on your cart, where you can hang your Steadicam arm.

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€ 245,00 exkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

The xPEG is a hook that you mount on your cart, where you can hang your Steadicam arm.
The xPEG Rip-Tie allows the operator to tighten up the arm at the bottom shelf of the cart.

3-4 Werktage / 3-4 working days

The xPEG & xPEG Rip-tie kit is a package with both the xPEG and the xPEG Rip-tie.

This is the complete setup, that allows you to hang your arm on your cart and strap up in the bottom to avoid for the arm to swing around.

item x-xPeg-rip-kit 

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