The xMOUNT is a highly robust hard mount for Steadicam(™) usage ...
The xMOUNT is a highly robust hard mount for Steadicam(™) usage, where the operator can easily dial in roll and tilt angle, without the need of unmounting the arm when making adjustments.
The xMOUNT includes Flowcines female xSOCKET block, made out of titanium plated stainless steel, which ensures compatibility with all universal male socket blocks on the market. Due to its design, the xSOCKET gives more roll angle adjustment than other socket blocks (up to +/-16.5 degrees, depending on male socket block), and comes with two 40mm long custom 1-¼”-20 UNC adjustment knobs.
The xMOUNT can be mounted both on the left and right side, giving the operator a quick way of changing the setup on the fly if needed. The clamps can also easily be flipped if the operator wants the locking eye bolt screw on the opposite side.
The tilt axis is easily controlled by two large knobs. Once the sled is positioned close to the center of gravity of the rig, turning the tilt adjustment is effortless, thus making it very quick and easy to find the correct angle where the sled does not want to drift either fore and aft or left to right. The xMOUNT has a huge +/-22.5 tilt degree adjustment, perfect for heavy slopes etc.
The xMOUNT can also be purchased in a kit with a Mitchell adapter. The adapter is a 50mm tube, that is made with the exact height of the xMOUNT, to allow a small and tight package that can be mounted on standard female mitchell. The xMOUNT Mitchell adaptor comes with a stainless steel 2-¾” UN Mitchell nut.
The xMOUNT comes with two clamps made for 48-51mm tubes. The clamps also have four POM adapter rings attached, to exactly match OS Products – Jackal rickshaw for perfect fit (48.3mm diameter tubes). These can easily be slid out when used with normal 50mm or 2” speed rails. More step down rings will be released soon (for 1-¼” tubes and 1-½” tubes).
Note: The xMOUNT comes in foam/box that is fitted for a Pelican Storm Case iM2075. So the foam is prepared to be transferred into a case (not included) if needed.
In The Box
- 1 x xMOUNT
- 2 x 1-¼”-20 UNC 40mm adjustment knobs
- 4 x POM 48.3mm diameter step down adapters
- xMount custom foam that fits inside a iM2075 Pelican Storm Case
With the Mitchell adapter kit, the following are also included (optional):
- 1 x xMOUNT Mitchell adapter
- 1 x Stainless steel 2-¾” UN Mitchell nut
- Mitchell adapter custom foam that fits inside a iM2075 Pelican Storm Case