Reduces latency, …
Since 1985, Transvideo has designed and manufactured lcd flat-panel monitors, video-assist accessories, format converters, wireless video-transmission systems for HD and SD, and camera accessories for Film and Digital Cinematography, S3D stereography, and HDTV.
Through constant Research & Development, Transvideo has an unmatched expertise in professional displays.
TRANSVIDEO is a pioneer of 3D Stereography with its 3DView monitor, a unique toolbox for Digital Stereographers.
The LensReader™ displays graphically the lens datas from Cooke /i, Arri LDS lenses, Angénieux Optimo DP /i and Fujinon LDS & /i lenses.
The RainbowHD prefigure the small hd lcd screens that have been announced in 2013.