ProCam Motion 4 Meter Straight Track Kit / 12ft - 101-1003-012
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... mit Softtasche. Für Dolly Kit von ProCam Motion, steckbar, leichte Handhabung, leichtes Gewicht.
Set includes / In the Box:
Extra 12' (4m) Track Section
8 Track Tubes - each tube is 36 inches
Comes with:
4 Crossbars
1 Track Spreader Bar
1 Soft Carry Bag.
Item Nr. 1021000012
NOTE: You can also purchase the track in increments of 3' (1m) 6' (2m) or 9' (3m) of Track
ProCam Motion manufactures and sells protable and professional camera support systems. Camera Dolly and Camera Sliders.
The dolly kit is manufactured from hard anodized aluminum and stainless steel materials which allow the kit to operate in water as well as in extreme heat and cold.
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