Aaton-Camera Intelligent wooden grip handle for cameras - 917TS0190 +
Intelligent wooden grip handle for cameras
Including remote & advanced functions - Delivered with free iOS app
Now available for RED DSMC 1/2 - more brands coming
Aaton-Cameras smart grip handle controls the functionality of cameras.
It features 6 position joystick, a scroll wheel and 3 user-assigned function buttons.
Made in cooperation with Mikael Lubtchansky - Foolcolor, the handle is configured by Foolgrip mobile app via Bluetooth connection.
User can assign various functions to the handle, save them and more (see details in below FAQs)
The app is available for iOS at https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1494386404
Android version is coming.
It get powered via the camera and is delivered with a specific cable