The Serene Bungee grip is a small hook that holds the bungee cord in place.

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€ 25,00 exkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

The Serene Bungee grip is a small hook that holds the bungee cord in place.
It’s placed on ONE side of the Serene arm, where the bungee cord is attached. This holds it in place, so you never lose your bungee cord ever again!

3-4 Werktage / 3-4 working days

The Serene Bungee grip is a small hook that holds the bungee cord in place.
It’s placed on ONE side of the Serene arm, where the bungee cord is attached. This holds it in place, so you never lose your bungee cord ever again!

The Bungee grip ships with a bungee cord.

Note: Serenes sold after January 10 2019 already have the Serene Bungee grip installed.


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