Gates Underwater Products Gates Pole III
Länge 8ft / 2,4 Meter, 4 Sektionen, 100% Aluminium ..., aus unserm Lagerbestand, neu und unbenutzt, geeignet für alle Gates Unterwassergehäuse.
The Gates Pole III is your ticket to capturing underwater images without getting wet! Mounting directly to your Gates housing, the Gates Pole III has an articulating head for viewing in all directions, including up and down pivot. Video can be viewed above water, too, with an optional video out connector, cable, and a Gates external color monitor mounted to the handle for easy viewing. The Gates Pole III is 8 feet / 2.4m and separates into two sections for easier travel. Custom lengths are also available. Construction is 100% stainless steel and anodized aluminum, so you know it will withstand even the toughest use ...