Microdolly Hollywood Länge 4 Meter, 4,5kg Eigengewicht ultraleichte ... #1401
Leichte Handhabung und schneller Aufbau, sehr geringer Eigengewicht, ideal zum Reisen, erweiterbar mit Kurven und gerader Schienen. High Hat, Plattform, Tiedown und mehr als optionales Zubehör - siehe Bilder. auch nutzbar mit Stativ mit Spikes.
Kit beinhaltet (siehe Bilder):
Schienen, Schaumstoffunterlagen, Spanngurt, Keile mit Softtasche
Packmaß | Taschengröße: Länge 85cm x 15cm Höhe x 25cm Tiefe
Optionales Zubehör:
Grundplatte (Holzgrundplatte), 3x Studio Rollen, Pushbar gerne auf Anfrage.
Microdolly Hollywood Camera Dolly and Track System - Basic Kit c/w 4m of straight track The portable MICRODOLLY Basic Kit Camera Dolly and Dolly Track System is purpose built for crews that must travel light and set up quick. It weighs only 10 pounds (4.5 kg) and fits into a Soft Case only 34 inches (86 cm) long. The Track is spring loaded and snaps together as it is unfolded.
The Dolly with 13 feet (4 m) of Track can be set up in less than two minutes and will carry a video camera or film camera weighing up to 100 pounds (45 kg). Silent, smooth, bump free camera moves can be accomplished much quicker than with conventional dollies and dolly equipment.
The MICRODOLLY Camera Dolly System is precision built portable camera equipment for durability as well as ease of setup. Additional Straight or Curved Track can be attached in seconds. A wide array of Dolly accessories are available. Pads and shims included in the Kit help you set up quickly on uneven surfaces such as sand, grass or snow. No tools are required to assemble. The Track is spring loaded and snaps together as it is unfolded. The Dolly and Track are made of hardened structural grade anodized aircraft titanium/aluminum and fold to a compact 30 inch(76cm) length. Net Weight: 10 lbs. (4.5kg)
Our mission is to design and manufacture ultra-light, precision-built, cost-effective Camera Support Systems. These patented, award winning Camera Jibs, Cranes, Dollies and Suction Mounts are purpose built for crews that must travel. Today there are thousands of MICRODOLLY systems in use in more than sixty countries.
Jerry Johnson Interview - Microdolly Hollywood Professional Jib
1995 was a hallmark year for the film and television industry. Digital technology was in full swing and would soon change forever the way images were created and distributed.
In Hollywood that same year, an award winning Producer/Director retired after forty years. During his career he had worked on productions in some twenty-five countries. No matter the budget, every project had a common problem, a need for lighter and more portable camera support equipment. He formed MICRODOLLY HOLLYWOOD to meet this need. Using aerospace design and manufacturing methods, a unique line of Camera Jibs, Dollies, and Mounts were crafted and quickly became the industry standard for crews who needed to travel.
Built for extreme weather conditions, MICRODOLLY gear has worked from the Arctic to the Sahara Desert to the jungles of Panama. Today there are thousands of MICRODOLLY products in use in some sixty countries. Designed to travel, this gear is well suited for today's new digital cameras.