Black Arm with Tranquilizer & Black Pro Case - BlkCmpl-Tranq
Black Arm inkl. Tranquilizer & Black Pro Case
The Black arm is a 3-axis dampening system with a additional vibration mount for stabilizing roll and tilt errors as well as vertical motion and vibrations. The Black arm is a hardmount system, made for gimbals, that you want to mount on vehicles such as cars, ATVs, boats, snowmobiles etc.
Each Black arm ships with one anti-vibration mount (AVM). The main purpose of the AVM is to reduce high frequency vibrations, such as noise from a cars engine. In order to maximise the efficiency of the AVM, you should use the version that matches your load and conditions.
This set comes with the new Tranquilizer.
The Tranquilizer has many adjustments to fine tune it’s performance, and may give better results if you have the time and skills to configure it properly.
Tranquilizer weight ranges:
The Tranquilizer ships with two sets of polymers, the shore 30 and shore 40. The rest of the packs are sold separately.
- Shore 30 weight range: up to 6.70 – 13.25kg
- Shore 40 weight range up to 11.25 – 22.50kg
Flight Case:
The Black arm ships in the Pro case. It’s made in all-black, to perfectly match the Black arm. It features powder coated black metal corners, heavy duty recessed handles and butterfly catches. It also has wheels, so you can roll the case just like a cabin bag. To match the clean exterior, the foam in the Pro case is all black.
In The Box:
- Pro Case
- Tranquilizer
- Black Arm Complete 5-32kg
- 3-Achsen-Dämpfungssystem für Gimbals auf Fahrzeugen
- trägt Aufbauten zwischen 5 und 32 kg
- 4x 7 mm- und 4x 7,5 mm-Federn, auf jede Last konfigurierbar
- zwei hydraulische Dämpfer in allen 3 Achsen, in 22 Stufen einstellbar
- kann über zwei Klammern jeder 48-52 mm Speed Rail befestigt werden
- inkl. Base Plate mit Halterungen für MoVi- und Ronin-Gimbals
- Cheese Plates auf jeder Seite zur Befestigung von Zubehör
- inkl. Pro Case
Tranquilizer (features):
- Anti-Vibrations-Mount der nächsten Generation
- zur Stabilisierung von kompakteren Gimbals mit 6,7 - 22,5 kg Last
- reduziert Vibrationen der kleinstmöglichen Frequenz und beschleunigt so die Motorleistung, ohne dass das Gimbal übersteuert
- inkl. Passive Plates, welche zur Ausbalancierung und zusätzlichen Dämpfung genutzt werden können
- ultra-kompakt
- zusätzliche Polymersets für andere Traglasten separat erhältlich
Mounting the Black arm is as simple as clamping it on to a standard 48-52mm speed rail. You build a rig onto your vehicle, using standard grip components like speed rail and dual clamps, possibly using Flowcines Universal rack or Stub mount. Then you simply clamp the Black on there, with the two single clamps at the back of the arm.
There are several ways to attach your gimbal to the Black arm. The included base plate has hole patterns to match the Freefly Toad in a hole and Cinemilled Universal Ronin mount for easy attachment of the MoVI and Ronin gimbals. We also make a Mitchell female mount for gimbals that uses the Mitchell connector.
On each side of the Blacks head, there are cheese plates suitable to mount batteries or Kenyon gyros on.